key combination | explanation |
Ctrl-A | Insert a blank record |
Ctrl-B | ? Unknown |
Ctrl-C | Interrupts an operation in progress, such as a record-selection or record-ordering operation. DO NOT USE THIS KEY-COMBINATION because when RapidFile was created there was no proper 'break' handling in the operating system, and consequently using Ctrl-C will very likely corrupt your data. |
Ctrl-D | ? Unknown |
Ctrl-E | Edit the user-defined keyboard macros. |
Ctrl-F | Pop-up the 'file' menu. |
Ctrl-G | Go to a specific record, for example record number 437. |
Ctrl-H | Hide the bottom two 'function-key definition' lines. This seems pointless because there doesn't seem to be any way to use those lines for something else. |
Ctrl-I | Causes the calculated fields of the currently selected set of records to be recalculated. This is principally useful for 'report-type' fields as these are not recalculated automatically when other fields in a record change. |
Ctrl-J | ? Unknown |
Ctrl-K | Start and end the creation of a keyboard macro definition. |
Ctrl-L | Pop-up the 'layout' menu. |
Ctrl-M | Show the software version number. |
Ctrl-N | Fill a numeric field with sequential numbers, starting with 1. Only the selected records are affected. |
Ctrl-O | Order (sort) the selected records by the contents of the currently highlighted field. |
Ctrl-P | Popu-up the 'print' menu. |
Ctrl-Q | Quit (end / exit) the RapidFile program. |
Ctrl-R | Pop-up the 'records' menu. |
Ctrl-S | Search for some text within the current field of the selected records. |
Ctrl-T | Show the numeric totals for the selected records. The highest, lowest and average values are also shown. |
Ctrl-U | Update the default layout settings, using the existing layout as the template. |
Ctrl-V | When using a split layout, toggle between a horizontal split and a vertical split. |
Ctrl-W | Pop-up the 'write' menu. |
Ctrl-X | ? Unknown |
Ctrl-Y | ? Unknown |
Ctrl-Z | Use the spelling checker, if it is installed. |
Ctrl-Enter | Save the entire database. |
Ctrl-Del | Delete the current record. |
Ctrl-Ins | Insert a new, blank record prior to the current record. |
Ctrl-@ | Duplicate the record prior to the current record, create a new blank record if necessary. |
Ctrl-< | Reduce the width of the current field |
Ctrl-> | Increase the width of the current field |
Ctrl-# | Move the function key definitions from lines 24 and 25 to lines 1 and 2. |
Ctrl-Break | Interrupts an operation in progress, such as a record-selection or record-ordering operation. DO NOT USE THIS KEY-COMBINATION because when RapidFile was created there was no proper 'break' handling in the operating system, and consequently using Ctrl-Break will very likely corrupt your data. |
Ctrl-1 | Change the database view to a 'table' layout. |
Ctrl-2 | Change the database view to a 'form' layout. |
Ctrl-3 | Change the database view to a 'split' table/form layout. |
Ctrl-4 | Change the database view to a 'label' layout. |
Ctrl-5 | Change the database view to a 'quick report' layout. |
Ctrl-6 | Change the database view to a 'custom' layout. |
F1 | Show the help screens. |
F2 | Edit the present cell (i.e. the present field of the present record). |
F3 | Toggle between a table layout and a form layout. If the present layout is a split layout then the focus moves between the table and layout sections. |
F4 | Activate the memo writer for the present cell. |
F5 | Tag or untag the present record. |
F6 | When not editing a cell, the whole record is highlighted. When editting a cell the entire cell contents are copied to RapidFile's own clipboard. |
F7 | Move the highlighted record to be below (after) the current record. |
F8 | Copy the contents of the current field of the highlighted record to the current field of the current record. |
F9 | ? Unknown |
F10 | Pop-up the most recently used menu. |